Step 1

Location is not set, so you will need to find local products and stores by browsing

Step 2

Not signed in, so you cannot save shopping lists, favorites or reviews

Sign in or create an account to save shopping lists, favorites and reviews

Step 3

Get Notified via Email

Fresh baked product drop emails every day. Sign up with a username and password or with your Google account.


Return To Stock Drops

To get notifications when a product is added or returns to stock, click the heart icon near a product name. This website periodically checks the inventory of every store and reports stock changes. If your favorite products are added to a favorite store or an out-of-stock favorite product/store returns to in-stock status, you'll get notified.

New Product Drops

The application will also notify you when a new product is added to a favorite store from a favorite brand. You will only be notified when the product is added to the store the first time. Any "return to stock" events after that will follow the rules above.

What Is "OTD" Pricing?

Some stores advertise their prices including taxes. This is referred to as "OTD" (Out the Door) pricing here.

Set Up Email Notifications

Be the first to know when a favorite brand drops a product at a store near you.

Just click the heart icon for a brand, product, store or discount. Then set your email address in your profile and enable email notifications. We promise not to send unsolicited email and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Click the profile link at the top of any page to edit your profile.

Visit a Lounge

Attend a public consumption lounge and have fun with some buds. Please consume safely and arrange for safe transportation after your "sesh".

Go to an Event

Attend a public event. Responsible adult consumption of cannabis at public events should be permitted anywhere it can be done safely. Laws are changing to allow adults the freedom to consume together in public settings where proper safety controls are in place to protect the general public from second-hand smoke, such as outdoor events.

Drop in on a Brand Demo

Brand demos at stores are fun! Connect with kind people and get a discount or promo product. These are listed on the public events page.

Share Your Feedback

If you have an idea for a feature or have a suggestion about how to improve , please share your feedback. The bottom of every page has several ways to contact the website developer directly. Please don't hesitate to reach out.


Supercharge Your Market Research

Cross platform data aggregation saves you time crawling around on store websites!
Whether you are a consumer, brand owner, store owner or marketing professional, getting all the data you need in one place is like having a Cannabintelligence™ concierge.
Private market information and special features are available only to supporters.
Have a comment, concern or idea? Click here
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This website is for cannabis product research, advocacy, education, organizing and social engagement.

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© 2025 Sam Corl
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