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See what's selling (and not selling)

Daily inventory changes are tracked for every product and store.

View Top Inventory Changes

Menu Sources

Every major menu hosting platform is included: Carrot, Dispense, Dutchie, Jane, Leafly, Meadow, Treez, Tymber, Weedmaps, etc.

View Menu Market Share

Product Finders

Product finder websites with a brand focus.

This service is included with "Brand Partner" and "Product Finder" services.

View Product Finder Websites

Regional Websites

Product finder websites with a regional focus.

Advertising opportunities are available.

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Recent Posts

Posted Jul 14 by Admin Sam
New Mexico Stores and Licenses Added
205 New Mexico stores added today
Posted Jul 13 by Admin Sam
Now Offering Services As Subscriptions
Subscribe to only the services you use
Posted Jun 27 by Admin Sam
Product Store Snapshots
Price and Available Quantity History for Every Product Store
Posted Jun 14 by Admin Sam
Product Tagging
Taking data mining to the next level

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Just gotta poke around


Feature Highlights

  • Enjoy a guided experience finding trusted and recommended cannabis products.
  • Save favorite products, brands and stores just in case you forget.
  • View recommended products and add your own recommendations to help guide other consumers.
  • Check daily product drops for the freshest product in stores near you
  • Dig into reports to see trends in products and brands
  • Create your own custom reports to see product selection across brands and stores
  • Create shopping lists to compare products from multiple stores
  • Easily find links to socials for brands and stores
  • Embed store and price lists in your website (if you have one). See the instructions here

Supercharge Your Market Research

Cross platform data aggregation saves you time crawling around on store websites!
Whether you are a consumer, brand owner, store owner or marketing professional, getting all the data you need in one place is like having a Cannabintelligence™ concierge.
Private market information and special features are available only to supporters.
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This website is for cannabis product research, advocacy, education, organizing and social engagement.

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